More than a Job: iCan Dream Center Staff Answer a Calling
If a job is not satisfying, work and the work environment can be a major source of stress. Imagine a job that is not only satisfying but also inviting.
Some may think the saying, “If you love where you work, you will never work a day in your life,” seems impossible, but fulfilling work environments make this saying a reality.
The iCan Dream Center provides a positive work environment for its students and staff members by focusing on seven core values of fun, relevance, love, family, super service, accountability and ownership.
Research has shown that leaders should focus on activities that generate and display trust in order to create a positive culture in the workplace (Creating An Ideal Workplace Culture: The Keys to Unlocking People Talent, 2010). Trust among coworkers is important when it comes to one’s confidence in their own responsibilities and one’s outlook on the work of their peers.
A Culture of Positivity
The core values of the iCan Dream Center create a positive culture of trust and cohesion. The ability for team members to communicate freely without worrying about judgement is vital for a team to effectively achieve its goals.
Research suggests that effective workplaces invest in transformational leadership and facilitation skills through development, ongoing supervision, support, and peer review for key players (International Practice Development Journal, 2011).
At the iCan Dream Center, the culture of positivity is what fuels coworkers to dedicate themselves to students, parents and each other. This dedication is built on the organization’s seven core values and explains why staff members truly never work a day in their lives at the iCan Dream Center. Helping students achieve their dreams is more than a job; it is a calling.
FoNS 2011 International Practice Development Journal 1 (2) [1]