Every Moment has Meaning: How After School Programs Create a Lasting Impact
It is natural for parents to be nervous while searching for the best programs for their children. At iCan Dream Center, we strive to alleviate that anxiety. Once students are enrolled in our Daydreamers After School Program, they instantly become part of our iCan Dream family.
We care deeply about our students and their families, and we ensure we are available to parents and guardians when they need us. We provide support to parents and develop long-lasting relationships built on a foundation of trust.
Our team members become involved in students’ lives even outside of the program. From attending IEP meetings to birthday celebrations, we are there during our students’ most important milestones.
Making a Positive Impact in Students’ Lives
After school programs can boost academic performance, reduce risky behaviors, promote physical health, and provide a safe, structured environment for the children of working parents (Youth.gov, n.d.). Team members at the Daydreamers After School Program gain so much joy from working with students to provide them these benefits.
From the moment our students are dropped off to the moments of success our students experience throughout the weeks, months and even years they are enrolled in the program, we are there to cheer them on.
The Daydreamers team takes pride in ensuring each item on the lesson plan will make a positive impact in our students’ lives. It is important to us that we engage our students in meaningful activities while having fun at the same time.
There is nothing more special than watching our students grow and succeed.
Benefits for Youth, Families, & Communities. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://youth.gov/youth-topics/afterschool-programs/benefits-youth-families-and-communities