
Posts by: iCan Dream Center Staff

How Play Therapy Improves Behavior

How Play Therapy Improves Behavior

Every child has a unique way of understanding the world around them. Play allows children to learn, develop new skills and express their feelings in unique and fun ways.  Did you know that play can also be a form of therapy? Therapy can be helpful throughout different stages of life for children, including for children …

Leveraging Sports to Improve Outcomes

Leveraging Sports to Improve Outcomes

Sports are more than just games. They are activities to keep one’s spirits up, build one’s strength and build relationships. Sports provide several physical and mental health benefits, like heightened self-esteem, increased problem solving skills and concentration, reduced stress, sensory relief, and fitness (Dorfman). Sports also help students understand the importance of teamwork. Through the …

Visual supports: An eye-opening communication tool

Visual supports: An eye-opening communication tool

It is true that no two learners are exactly alike. Some learn better through reading, and others excel through listening or doing.  For students with developmental disabilities who may have difficulty communicating or understanding others’ communication, it is important to present information in ways that match the students’ unique learning styles and optimize their ability …

Techniques for Positive Reinforcement

Techniques for Positive Reinforcement

At the iCan Dream Center, we support students with different diagnoses, one of which is autism. We apply many interventions to aid us in increasing desired behaviors for our students. Registered Behavioral Therapists on our team have the tools to serve our students as effectively as possible, and one highly effective instrument in their toolkit …