
Posts by: iCan Dream Center Staff

Increasing Social Communication

Increasing Social Communication

Social communication is essential for everyday life to build social relationships and express unmet needs. For youth having difficulties with self-expression, it can be emotionally overwhelming, leading to frustrations, socially inappropriate behavior, and refusing or ignoring requests.   Try Social Stories  In Ghurair and Alnaqi (2020) research, they utilized a technique called Social Stories that uses …

Six Reasons to Teach Special Education

Six Reasons to Teach Special Education

Serve Others As a special education teacher, you will have the opportunity to serve students with disabilities and their families an incredibly rewarding and humbling experience.  Make a Difference One of the biggest rewards of being a teacher is the ability to make a difference every single day. As a special education teacher, you will …

New School Year, New Habits:  Small Changes Yield Big Results

New School Year, New Habits: Small Changes Yield Big Results

Even though the start of a new school year is an exciting time for many students, there are several important habits to establish at home to promote success. By following these simple tips, students will maximize their chance to succeed both in school and during non-school-related activities.   Nutrition Breakfast: Don’t let your kids skip breakfast in …

Back to School Tips for Neurodiverse Learners

Back to School Tips for Neurodiverse Learners

For parents of neurodiverse learners, the “back to school” season usually brings with it one consistent emotion: feeling overwhelmed. Any kind of abrupt change, in general, can be difficult for learners with autism, attention deficit disorders, oppositional defiant disorder, or other neurodiverse diagnoses. Tack on navigating a post-pandemic world, and we are all facing challenges that are unprecedented, …

My Child Isn’t Job Hunting. How Can They Benefit From Occupational Therapy?

My Child Isn’t Job Hunting. How Can They Benefit From Occupational Therapy?

In the early intervention world, occupational therapists serve children by providing the services they need to support educational skills like handwriting, self-care activities like putting on and taking off their backpacks, and emotional regulation skills like learning to remain calm.  Occupational therapists are truly like Swiss Army Knives in that we have a diverse range …

What Matters to You? Occupational Therapist’s Role in School-Based Practice

What Matters to You? Occupational Therapist’s Role in School-Based Practice

“So you help people get jobs?” The dreaded question that occupational therapists (OTs) hear all too often about their role as a practitioner. To us, the word ‘occupation’ is our pride and joy, and it is often misunderstood. In occupational therapy, “occupations refer to the everyday activities that people do as individuals, in families, and …

Children’s Books to Help Process Trauma

Children’s Books to Help Process Trauma

ACES, or Adverse Childhood Experiences, come in many forms, from physical and mental abuse to neglect and household dysfunction. In 1998, CDC-Kaiser Permanente published a groundbreaking study that investigated the impact of ACEs on physical and mental health problems in over 17,000 adults.  Now that we understand how toxic stress affects the minds and bodies …