Dear Parents
Dear Parents of Diverse Learners,
Take a moment for yourself and remember how amazing you are! You always put others before yourself and lose the importance of taking care of yourself too. Being a parent of a diverse learner can be overwhelming but somehow, someway, you make it look so easy in the eyes of others. From continuing to make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather, finding a way in your busy schedule to make it to doctor’s appointments, specialist appointments, IEP meetings, you name it. You make yourself available regardless of your other many full-time responsibilities that may get in the way of being present for your child every day. No matter what the circumstances are, always remember that you are a hero in your child’s eyes.
You are not alone and it is okay to ask for help. Some people may not understand your child’s wants or needs, but know that there will always be people around you that will also want the best for them. While we want the best for your child, we also want the best for you. Find time in your busy schedule to pamper yourself, pick up your favorite meal, for a walk, wake up a little earlier and grab that book you have been wanting to read. It is not selfish to make time for yourself; you deserve that and much more. ‘Whatever makes you feel special and taken care of, take the time to enjoy it, you are worth it!’ Dr. Darla Clayton.
The iCan Dream Center team is here to support you and your family. Whether you child is part of our Transition, Credit Recovery or After School Program, we all care and will continue to serve. We take pride in knowing that everyday our students walk into a safe and fun environment. A good time for self-care can be while your child is at the center. We understand that most of our parents have full-time jobs, but self-care can be as simple as listening to your favorite song on your way to work. It is so important to start and end your day off on a good note. We urge parents to take seriously their own basic self-care including: getting enough sleep every night, staying hydrated, regular exercise, spending time away from children. Remember that the iCan Dream Family cares about you.
Clayton, D. (n.d.). 20 Things Every Parent of Kids with Special Needs Should Hear. https://www.abilities.com/community/parents-20things.html
Garey, J. (n.d). Why Self-Care Is Essential to Parenting. https://childmind.org/article/fighting-caregiver-burnout-special-needs-kids/