Finding Yourself and a Sense of Belonging
To the graduating class of 2020 keep going. Life is going to present challenges as you may have already experienced but you must keep pushing and striving. I am the child of legalized immigrants which proved to be a struggle. I had to distinguish where I belong. I admit feeling overwhelmed as a frequent translator for my mother. My parents would always tell me to get a good education which meant to become a doctor or lawyer without asking what I wanted professionally.
I spent much of my childhood at war, to find a sense of belonging. I lusted over the multicultural growing melting pot of America. Yet I am in love with the fiery blood that circulates in my body filled with traditions, colors, and unique tapestries. I wanted to be here and there. I was always wrestling between “being too American for the Mexicans” and “too Mexican for Americans.”
However, as you mature you will learn to vouch for your individuality. You learn to align with yourself as an individual and not who society or your parents dictate. Commit to the lifelong process of self-exploration because it is an infinite journey. You will fail at times, but you will also win! Embrace a mindset “becoming” — becoming better, becoming greater, becoming you.