In the United States, More Than 36 Million Adults Cannot Read or Write Above a 3rd-Grade Level.
This lack of literacy skills affects unemployment numbers, family literacy, poverty, and incarceration rates. Literacy skills affect each one of the following areas:
- Unemployment
Not only do adults without a high school diploma or equivalent have the highest unemployment rates, but they also have the lowest median weekly earnings. - Family Literacy
Parents’ and caregivers’ literacy skills directly affect the literacy skills of children. If parents have low literacy skills, their children are 72% more likely to have low reading levels. This leads to lower grades, more behavioral issues, and a lower possibility to lead a successful academic career. - Poverty
Adults with lower literacy skills are more likely to live in poverty. 43% of adults who have the lowest literacy levels live in poverty. - Incarceration
In the United States, 75% of incarcerated people did not complete high school, and ultimately have low literacy skills. On the other hand, inmates who participate in correctional education programs are 43% less likely to become repeat offenders.
The benefits of literacy cannot be denied. Stay tuned to our literacy explosion this school year to learn how we are deepening student literacy and how you can help us celebrate our students’ successes and growth!