The Game Changer: Public Transportation for Individuals with Disabilities
Mastering how to navigate, PACE, our local public transportation corporation, is vital for our students as it fosters independence, helping them develop essential life skills like time management and problem-solving while offering an alternative to driving. It also encourages social interaction, provides access to broader opportunities such as employment, and supports environmentally friendly habits. For students with learning differences, public transit can be especially empowering, offering a sense of autonomy and confidence navigating their world.
Let’s talk all about it with one of our Transition students!
Mr. K: Good morning! Thank you for joining me today to talk about public transportation. I know you’ve had some experience with it recently. How are you finding it?
Student: Good morning, Mr. K! Yeah, I’ve been using PACE to get to job interviews and other places, and it’s been pretty good. At first, I was a bit nervous, but now I think it’s something that’s helpful for me.
Mr. K: That’s great to hear! Let’s start with your initial feelings. You mentioned being nervous at first—what worried you about taking public transportation?
Student: I was mostly worried about getting lost. It’s hard for me sometimes to remember a lot of information. But after using it a few times, I’ve started feeling more confident. Now, I can follow along with the maps or apps to be sure we are going to the right place, and the drivers are always helpful if I ask.
Mr. K: It sounds like you’ve gained some important skills! What do you think are the biggest benefits for students with learning challenges when it comes to using public transportation?
Student: One big benefit is independence. Before, I had to rely on my parents or someone else to drive me places. Now, I feel like I can do things on my own, and that makes me feel more grown up. It also helps me practice remembering things, like which number I need to call and when I need to be somewhere.
Mr. K: Independence is such an important part of adulting, and it’s wonderful to hear that you’re gaining that confidence. Do you feel like public transportation also helps with other skills, like social interaction or time management?
Student: Definitely! I’ve learned how to talk to drivers or ask other passengers for help if I need it. That was hard for me before, but it’s gotten easier the more I do it. And yeah, time management too. I have to keep track of the schedule and plan when I need to leave to make sure I get where I need to go on time.
Mr. K: Those are fantastic life skills that will help you in many areas, not just with transportation. How about the cost? Do you find public transportation more affordable compared to other options?
Student : Oh, for sure. iCan Dream students almost all get special passes, so it is free for us, which is nice. I don’t have to worry about the cost to get places, which can be expensive.
Mr. K: I’m glad to hear it’s affordable for you. Do you think other students with disabilities should try using public transportation? What advice would you give them?
Student : I think they should definitely try it. It can be scary at first, but it’s worth it. I’d say start small, maybe just try taking a short ride to a familiar place first, even a friend or relative’s house. And don’t be afraid to ask for help—bus drivers are usually nice, and there are apps that can help track where you are.
Mr. K: That’s great advice! Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s clear that public transportation can offer a lot of benefits, from independence to important life skills. I’m proud of how much you’ve grown and embraced this challenge.
Student: Thank you! I’m glad I started using it. It’s made a big difference for me.
Mr. K: Are there any challenges to using PACE?
Student: Unfortunately, yes. I get frustrated because sometimes they do not show up. That can be unsettling.
Mr. K: That must be hard. Have you tried self-advocating?
Student: I have told them when the ride never showed up. I was at work once waiting for it to get me for a couple hours. I think I could write a letter to PACE’s management probably.
Mr. K: That is an awesome idea. Like we always say, you are always going to be your own strongest advocate.
Student: thanks, Mr. K.
Mr. K: Overall, I’m sure your story will inspire others to give public transportation a try! Thanks again for speaking with me today. Keep up the great work!
Student: Thanks, I will!