The Importance of Schedules and Routines
Both adults and children thrive when they feel safe, comfortable, and in control, and we can provide that for our students! Even in infancy and toddlerhood, children can recognize familiar activities. They also develop relationships with who they interact with during these activities and gain a sense of confidence and belonging.
What is the difference between a schedule and a routine?
A schedule represents the big picture and includes main activities that happen across the day.
Routines are the steps needed to complete each part of the schedule.
Some things to consider:
- Establishing a routine during the school day promotes independence, feelings of safety, and engagement in learning activities.
- A schedule should be a personalized and accessible tool for the student and all of the staff who interact with them. Don’t forget to include motivating and desirable tasks!
- Using a schedule can actually help students adjust to change more easily as they have a visual to help them understand updates in their routines. Routines can still be flexible!
- Parents can get involved by utilizing a schedule at home, and they have increased comfort knowing what their child is doing at school.