
Posts by: iCan Dream Center Staff

Early Childhood and Summer Reading at the Library:  Why It Is Essential

Early Childhood and Summer Reading at the Library: Why It Is Essential

What we love most about a library’s summer reading program is that it brings the community together.   Everyone has the same goal, which is to read, of course.  And no matter what you read or how you read it (listening to audio books, e-reading, shared reading), everyone can participate and be included.  Children with special …

Literacy Is Essential for Youth

Literacy Is Essential for Youth

Every important social issue is impacted by literacy. When individuals learn how to read, write, do basic math, and use computers, they have the power to find sustainable employment and ultimately change their lives.  One question one of our social work interns wonders is: “Is it ever too late to learn literacy skills?”  To some, …

The Autism Self-Advocacy Network

The Autism Self-Advocacy Network

It is good to know of other organizations empowering people with autism to create societal change. One such organization is the nonprofit, Autism Self-Advocacy Network, also known as ASAN. The Autism Self-Advocacy Network “seeks to advance the principles of the disability rights movement with regard to autism. ASAN believes that the goal of autism advocacy …

Dream A Big Dream

Dream A Big Dream

A goal is termed as an aim, an end, or a target to an innate desire.   However, to set personal goals sends a message to self that a desired end is awaiting. It also sets a certain level of motivation for whatever the aspiration.  We feel that goal setting and motivation work hand in hand …

Nutrition & Diet for Autism – Supporting Kids on the Spectrum Naturally

Nutrition & Diet for Autism – Supporting Kids on the Spectrum Naturally

Like any parent, you want your child to be as healthy as possible. Unfortunately, picky eaters often shy away from healthy foods and gravitate more toward foods with less nutritional value.  Like many conditions, autism has many facets; when it comes to diet, many individuals with autism experience food aversions and sensitivities.  Enriching Foods for …