How To Keep Kids Moving Forward With Speech Goals During the Summer
- Set aside designated “family time” a few times a week for everyone! Yes, everyone! This means all family members who live in the same household. Family time means screens are put away and we have structured conversation. Hmmm, what does this look like? It could be over the dinner table or sitting around the living room but everyone is asking questions and making comments. Does your young child or older student have trouble with conversation? Prompt your student with “Let’s think of a question we can ask.” OR “I like that comment!” Talk about yourself as well. “I had a rough day today.” (quiet) “Would anyone like to ask me a question?”
- Play a Game at least once a week with your young or older student.
Young: CandyLand (work on turn-taking and color identification, counting, following the rules), Chutes and Ladders, Hi-Ho Cheerio, Sorry, Bingo, Go Fish, and more
Older: Uno, Spoons, Charades, HeadBanz for Juniors/Adults, Clue, Card Games, and more - Take an adventure walk:
- decide on a destination
- talk about where the family is going
- make predictions: what will we see and do at this place, how will we get there (car, walk, bike, plane?)
- make a plan using sequencing words FIRST, THEN, THEN, LAST
- Books! Books! And more Books! Put books on paper or put books on screens and read together. Have your older student listen to an audio book and talk about it together, then the student earns screen time (preferred activity).