Strategy for Success: Positive Self Talk
We live in a world that is full of unpredictability, things that take you by surprise and have the potential to alter the trajectory of your life for good or for bad. Many experiences are completely out of our control. However, there is something that I realized I can control and that is my mindset. Throughout my youth and especially through college I “practiced” having a positive mindset. I work in the social work field where there is a lot of discussion about the benefits of thinking positively and positive self-talk. Unfortunately, it can come off as easier said then done. Positive thinking and speaking were not innate skills that I possessed. The academic requirements, social demands, and expectations I placed on myself became overwhelming and the critical mindset I typically had manifested anxiety and more stress. That is when it became imperative for me to develop positive thinking and speaking strategies.
Positive Thinking Strategies
An article posted on Self Care Daily explains that “positive thinking is the mental attitude of optimism, which searches for favorable outcomes in all situations. It relies on the emotional state of hope, which looks past the current circumstance and supports the building of emotional, social, and other resources for positive action”. As I mentioned I developed multiple positive thinking strategies over the years that have helped steer me toward success. The first strategy I have practiced is being present in the moment. This skill helps me think positively because it stops me from overthinking and/or thinking of past negatives which allow me to find positivity in the current moment. Sometimes negative thoughts are inevitable, and, in those cases, I’ve made the decision to replace my bad thoughts with positive ones. In order to reinforce the positive thoughts in my head, I go a step further to say those thoughts aloud. Saying then hearing these thoughts can solidify it and allow it to take precedence over your negative thoughts. Lastly, I have formed a habit of consuming positive media-podcasts, sermons, music, and comedy. This can help because it can boost your emotions and place positive words in your psyche when it’s hard for you to formulate your own positive thoughts.
Positive Thinking Benefits
Over the years I have found that keeping a positive mindset and speaking positively has helped me overcome adversity. An article from the American Psychological Association shared, “evidence suggesting that happy people—those who experience a preponderance of positive emotions—tend to be successful and accomplished across multiple life domains”. The skill of positive thinking has been advantageous to the journey of my success and has proven to give me the push I need in high stress situations such as challenging task, new environments, and overcoming roadblocks. If you develop or foster this skill over time it can aid in your success by increasing your overall wellness, relieving stress, and building resilience. Truthfully speaking, thinking about your glass half full instead of half empty does not negate your situation it just allows you to have a more positive outlook for your future and that alone could be the turning point for your success.
Lyubomirsky, Sonja, et al. “The Benefits of Frequent Positive Affect: Does Happiness Lead to Success?” Psychological Bulletin, vol. 131, no. 6, 2005, pp. 803–855., doi:10.1037/0033-2909.131.6.803.
Schnurr, Lisa. “3 Scientific Studies Prove the Power of Positive Thinking.” Self Care Daily, Self Care Daily, 22 Sept. 2019, www.selfcaredaily.co/blog/3-scientific-studies-that-prove-the-power-of-positive-thinking.
These are the pictures I have with my cap and gown, choose whichever you find suitable.