Women’s History Month
March is Women’s History Month and since the future is female, we thought you’d like to know a little more about it. This blog will discuss how Women’s History Month came to be and will also feature a few words from some of our female students.
How it started:
Women’s History Month actually started as Women’s History Week. According to the WomensHistoryMonth.gov, Congress passed Pub. L. 97-28 which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning March 7, 1982, as “Women’s History Week.” Then, throughout the next couple of years, the National Women’s History Project petitioned to have Congress pass Pub. L. 100-9 which designated the month of March 1987 as “Women’s History Month.” Finally, since 1995, the presidents have issued a series of annual proclamations to designate the month of March as Women’s History Month. 1995-2021 isn’t a very long history of celebrating women and so we are all-in this month on going all out after this historic year for women!
What is it about?
Women’s History Month is about celebrating all contributions that women have made to the United States over the years. It also allows us to recognize specific achievements made by women in U.S. history.
I decided to interview a few of our female students to gain more of an insight on how feminism and femininity might influence them in everyday life. I talked to Taryn, Hijah, Desire, and Madi.
Do you feel empowered as a woman? What’s your favorite part?
T- Yes, I do. My favorite part is that women put a lot of effort in things and we are successful a lot.
H- Me personally, no I don’t. But, my favorite part is having the mind of the woman. I think men have negative minds.
D- I think it’s easy to be a girl. My favorite part is the clothes, being girly.
M- No, because it’s not all men but there are a lot of guys that just care about looks instead of personality. And we’re judged off of our bodies and they don’t always care about who you are.
Do you think women are treated fairly in society?
T- No, because a lot of men think women can’t do a lot of jobs or think they are too girlish, but then women prove that they can. Like women are going into the army or places like Amazon. I think women can be truck drivers, too.
H- Not really. I think women are taken lightly to most things and are also taken advantage of.
D -No, it can be tough. Men are treated better because society thinks they are stronger.
M- No, they are not treated right in society. There are lots of examples, one of them can be forced marriages. There is a lot of injustice. A lot of women don’t get treated fairly at all. They aren’t getting paid enough, and getting breaks when they should. There are just so many things that aren’t fair.
Do you think we’re making progress or changes as a society?
H- were trying to make it change but it’s not.
D- Yeah, women don’t give up. And we hear a lot about women fighting for equality.
M- I feel like we should be given more of a chance; otherwise, I feel like we’re doing way more than we should as women even though men think we aren’t doing enough. Women work the hardest out of men and women. Otherwise, it just depends on what job you have. I know women try their hardest in society or the medical field and don’t get much appreciation or raises.
Is there a specific woman that inspires you/ that you look up to?
T-My mom because my mom has a certain style and she wants me to be successful and have good manners and wants people to see me as successful. I think she is successful.
D-No, I just want to be my own self.
M-There is and that’s my mom. She’s an amazing health care person. Her name is Amy. She’s done so much that she could be known as the best parent in the world. Every day she tells me “we will get through this” when I am struggling. She’s just amazing. She’s got so much determination.
Working with female students, I want to inspire them to reach their fullest potential and to advocate for changes they want to see. Women have made numerous contributions to society and I want to highlight those women, specifically during Women’s History Month, so our students can feel empowered.