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Toys Your Child Will Love

Toys Your Child Will Love

When you think of “special needs toys and games,” you may envision expensive gadgets and specially designed equipment. And you can certainly find such high-priced items provided by boutique specialty companies. The reality is that there is absolutely no need for parents of special needs children to purchase products labeled “special needs.” Plain old Walmart, …

Modeling and Language Therapy

Modeling and Language Therapy

Modeling plays an important role in learning. It focuses on imitation rather than directly correcting or instructing the child. When teaching a new skill, it is always important to show the action before you expect the child to do it. Modeling can be done by anyone that has mastered the skill such as other children, …

Embracing Neurodiversity at Work

Embracing Neurodiversity at Work

Today, it is not enough for employers to say they embrace diversity. Leaders must be transparent communicators around hiring practices, how they set up an accessible workplace, and how they not just provide accommodations for neurodiverse workers (and workers with disabilities), but how they provide support and empowerment for the one in five neurodiverse employees …

Why Workplaces Must Include Neurodiversity in Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Work

Why Workplaces Must Include Neurodiversity in Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Work

In the workplace, conversation matters. So not having certain conversation, or leaving important components off the table, especially when it comes to inclusion, has consequences for employees. More than ever, companies are working to improve their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs. This a great thing for the workforce and for society. But it has …

Signs of Autism in Women

Signs of Autism in Women

Women with autism tend to present differently than men, a fact which has often led to misdiagnosis and under-diagnosis. As a result, women who have autism and don’t receive a diagnosis tend to judge themselves harshly for finding life difficult. Any woman who has reached the point of wondering whether or not she has autism …

The Way We Talk About Our Child Matters

The Way We Talk About Our Child Matters

Have you heard the adage, “The way we talk to our child becomes their inner voice?” The sentiment is viral in the parenting world.  When I first read this, I honestly thought, “Oh man, another responsibility.” But words can’t be taken back. To think that what we say about children will be what they hear …

So, What IS a “Transition Program”?

So, What IS a “Transition Program”?

Life is never stagnant — we are all transitioning throughout our lives. For the adult with disabilities, however, “transition” has a specific meaning. It is part of the overall Individualized Education Program, or IEP, and it defines the move from public school to adult life. The IEP transition plan, as it is called, is required …

Social Learning Theory

Social Learning Theory

Why is Social Learning Theory important? The goal of educators is to promote resiliency in students’ lives as they overcome barriers to learning and encourage appropriate social skills in classrooms. Horsburgh & Ippolito (2018) explain Bandura’s social learning theory, which has four different stages. The first stage is attending to the behavior by allowing the …

What Is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA Therapy)?

What Is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA Therapy)?

ABA stands for Applied Behavior Analysis, which uses scientific techniques to modify behaviors. According to those who use it, the grandfather of these scientific principles is B.F. Skinner who employed these techniques on pigeons-teaching them to turn and peck when the words “turn” and “peck” appeared in their visual field. Were these pigeons reading? That …